For more information contact: Kim Kleine
(202) 682-4856

Measure Targets Worn-out, Damaged, Dangerous Used Tires 

WASHINGTON, DC, June 3, 2016 — Legislation to protect consumers by curbing the installation of unsafe used tires was introduced in the Ohio House and Senate. 

Rep. Robert Sprague and Rep. Anthony Devitis sponsored the bill in the Ohio House and Sen. Cliff Hite and Sen. Frank LaRose introduced a companion Senate measure. The Rubber Manufacturers Association, the national trade association for tire manufacturers in the U.S., supports the effort, saying it will protect motorists.  

“Safety is the highest priority for the tire industry,” said Anne Forristall Luke, USTMA president and CEO.  “This common-sense legislation to keep dangerous used tires off the road will help improve highway and motorist safety.”

The proposed legislation would prohibit the installation of tires that display visible damage, are worn-out or are improperly repaired, among other conditions.  For example:

  • Tires worn to 2/32nds inch of tread do not sufficiently grip the road, particularly under wet weather conditions. 
  • Damaged tires that expose internal components threaten a tire’s structural integrity. 
  • Improperly repaired tires can suffer loss of inflation pressure or have hidden damage that may contribute to tire failure.
  • Tires with bulges indicate possible internal damage that can lead to tread separation.

USTMA estimates that 30-35 million used tires are available for sale every year.  A 2015 motorist survey sponsored by USTMA found that nearly 1 in 10 motorists said their car is currently riding on tires that were bought used.  Approximately 11,000 tire-related vehicle crashes occur annually, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The legislation comes as USTMA launches its annual National Tire Safety Week initiative to raise awareness about the importance of tire safety and maintenance.

“Introduction of this measure for National Tire Safety Week is perfect timing to help highlight the important roles tires play in consumer and vehicle safety,” Luke added. “Think about it — tires are the last protective equipment between you and the road.  It’s vital to make sure they’re properly maintained and good quality.”

USTMA is working with the bills’ sponsors to build support for the legislation among Ohio tire dealers, business organizations, insurers and others.  Ohio has a significant and historic tire manufacturing presence with two major companies headquartered in the state and others with research facilities, retail locations or other operations.

“We are very grateful to Representatives Sprague and Devitis and Senators Hite and LaRose for their leadership in introducing this important consumer safety measure,” Luke said. “We look forward to working with them during the year to enact this legislation.”

The legislation is HB 574 and SB 334.

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About U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association: The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S. For more information visit www.USTires.org and follow us on Twitter @USTireAssoc.

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