Executive Director and Connecticut Outreach Coordinator
The newly formed organization, US Tire Stewardship (USTS), was created by the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) to comply with the nation's first EPR law for tires – Connecticut (HB 6486). The Executive Director will be a USTMA employee, directing USTS and its subsidiary Connecticut Tire Stewardship, LLC. (CTTS) in the state of Connecticut. USTMA is the nation's trade association for tire manufacturers (www.ustires.org).
The role of the Executive Director and Connecticut Outreach Coordinator is to develop and implement the CTTS operating plan as approved by Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) and implement systems and programs to execute the CTTS mission. The CTTS operating plan will include financial management systems, data management systems, staffing, communications, and agreement execution. The role includes coordinating and collaborating with the Board, manufacturers regulated as “Producers”, Connecticut resource recovery agencies, auto dismantlers, retailers as end-of-life tire (ELT) collection points, and recyclers as processors.
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