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Members of the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) 6PPD Alternatives Analysis Consortium received a Notice of Compliance from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for its revised Preliminary (Stage 1) Alternatives Analysis report. The notice will allow the Consortium to formally launch development of a Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis report that further investigates the most promising potential replacements for the use of 6PPD in motor vehicle tires.

The Consortium first submitted its preliminary report in March, which investigated over 60 initial candidates for a suitable alternative to 6PPD in tires. USTMA and the Consortium further worked closely with regulators to update and submit a revised Stage 1 report in July, following a Notice of Deficiency issued by California DTSC. Issuance of a notice of deficiency is a standard step in the alternatives analysis process and serves as a way for regulators to provide suggestions and seek clarification about certain parts of a preliminary submission.

The revised Stage 1 report identified seven potential 6PPD alternatives warranting further investigation in the Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis. USTMA is optimistic that, by the end of the Alternatives Analysis process, we will have identified one or more possible 6PPD alternatives with potential to replace or materially reduce the level of 6PPD in motor vehicle tires, subject to further safety and performance testing.

The full report is attached below.

Read the Q&A: Stage 1 Alternatives Analysis For 6PPD in Tires