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Members of the USTMA 6PPD Alternatives Analysis Consortium have received a Notice of Compliance from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for the revised Preliminary (Stage 1) Alternatives Analysis report. The notice will allow the Consortium to formally launch development of a Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis report that further investigates the most promising potential replacements for the use of 6PPD in motor vehicle tires. In its cover letter accompanying the Notice of Compliance, DTSC commended the Consortium’s “continued efforts to seek safer alternatives to 6PPD” and “USTMA’s open communication about research updates and results.” 

The Consortium’s Stage 2 report is due to DTSC on August 19, 2026, with an annual progress report due on August 19, 2025. The Consortium conducting the Alternatives Analysis consists of 32 global tire manufacturers, including all USTMA member companies.

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