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Investing in America’s Tire Retreading Industry: Creating Jobs, Boosting Small Businesses and Building a Sustainable Future

Retreat Report

Creating Good-Paying Jobs in American Communities

Tire retreading is a cornerstone of American remanufacturing, providing more than 51,000 jobs across the U.S. USTMA advocates for expanding this crucial industry to create more well-paying jobs, particularly in regions that have been economically impacted. States like Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Indiana—steeped in a rich manufacturing history—are set to benefit most from investment in retreading. And as more retread facilities open or expand, new jobs will follow, allowing workers to contribute to the local economy. 

USTMA has supported important policy efforts like the Retreaded Truck Tire Jobs, Supply Chain Security and Sustainability Act, which aims to further expand this industry by offering a 30% per tire tax credit to trucking fleets that purchase U.S.-retreaded tires. 

By providing tax credits to fleet purchasers who buy American-made retreaded commercial tires, the federal government would help level the playing field for U.S. tire companies and shift the business model back in favor of retreading, a highly effective way to reuse tires with proven economic and environmental benefits

Anne Forristall Luke, president and CEO of USTMA. 

Strengthening America’s Independence

As the U.S. retreading industry grows, it also strengthens the nation’s independence from foreign tire imports. Many imported tires from countries like China and Thailand cannot be retreaded, forcing fleets to buy new tires more frequently, driving up costs. By prioritizing U.S.-made retreaded tires, this bill helps secure jobs, boosts domestic production and ensures the U.S. is less reliant on volatile international markets.

Supporting Small Businesses and Independent Shops

Tire retreading doesn’t just benefit large manufacturers; it’s a lifeline for small, independent businesses. Most retread facilities are small operations employing between 10 and 60 people, often located in smaller towns and rural areas. By promoting investments in tire retreading, USTMA aims to strengthen these small businesses, enabling them to grow, hire more workers, and play a vital role in their communities. Increased demand will help these shops thrive, ensuring their longevity and supporting local economies across the country.

Cutting Costs for Trucking Fleets and Keeping Prices Affordable

Retreaded tires can be used up to three times, significantly reducing costs for trucking fleets as well as the environment. By helping fleets cut essential expenses, the bill indirectly helps keep goods more affordable—ensuring that food, products and everyday necessities remain accessible to families and small businesses alike.

Revitalizing U.S. Manufacturing Communities

Over the past few decades, the U.S. tire retreading industry has declined, dropping from more than 3,000 facilities in 1982 to just 500 today. This legislation offers a chance to reverse that trend. Every new retread facility that opens brings more jobs, more training and more hope for communities that have lost manufacturing opportunities. Workers can build sustainable careers, earning competitive wages, while helping to revive local economies.

A Greener, More Sustainable Future

Retreading isn’t just about saving money—it's also about saving the planet. Retreaded tires use fewer natural resources, reduce CO2 emissions and keep millions of tires out of landfills each year. Expanding this eco-friendly industry, is a key part of USTMA's commitment to supporting a circular economy that benefits both the environment and local communities.

Compared to new tires, retreaded tires:

  • Use 15 gallons less oil and 90 lbs. less material per tire
  • Save 215 million gallons of oil annually in the U.S. and Canada
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by 24%
  • Reduce water consumption by 19%
  • Reduce air pollution by 21%
  • Keep 1.4 billion pounds of waste out of landfills each year


Commitment to Sustainability and Job Creation

USTMA and its members are committed to reducing CO2 emissions throughout a tire’s life cycle. Tire retreading offers a sustainable alternative that conserves resources while creating high-quality manufacturing jobs. By promoting the use of retreaded tires for commercial vehicles, the U.S. can build a sustainable economy that benefits both the environment and American workers.